Psalm 37:4 provides us the “Y” in the acronym P-R-A-Y, the four elements to effective prayer we have been discussing over the last few devotionals. Here is what Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your...
Last time, we talked about the “A” in the acronym P-R-A-Y, which is our way of understanding the steps in effective prayer. That “A” stands for ask, and I have come to believe that too many Christians don’t believe that God wants them to ask. God wants you to ask. He...
In the last two devotionals, we discovered that praise and repentance are the first two steps to effective prayer. Today, I want to show you the very important third step of asking. Last time we talked about how repentance is searching your own heart and asking God to...
As a Christian, I have spent the last 21 years walking alongside others as they journey away from sin and towards Jesus. During that time, I have become very aware of people’s failure to deal thoroughly with sin. I am not saying in condemnation—I am in the same...
Praying consistently will change your life. In fact, many of the blessings God wants you to enjoy will never be realized unless you pray. I think all Christians know they are supposed to pray, and all Christians want to pray. But many of God’s people, if they are...