Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

Psalm 37:4 provides us the “Y” in the acronym P-R-A-Y, the four elements to effective prayer we have been discussing over the last few devotionals. Here is what Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your...
Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

The Conditions for Answered Prayer

Last time, we talked about the “A” in the acronym P-R-A-Y, which is our way of understanding the steps in effective prayer. That “A” stands for ask, and I have come to believe that too many Christians don’t believe that God wants them to ask. God wants you to ask. He...
Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

Ask: The Third Step in Effective Prayer

In the last two devotionals, we discovered that praise and repentance are the first two steps to effective prayer. Today, I want to show you the very important third step of asking. Last time we talked about how repentance is searching your own heart and asking God to...
Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

Repent: The Second Step on How to Pray Effectively

As a Christian, I have spent the last 21 years walking alongside others as they journey away from sin and towards Jesus. During that time, I have become very aware of people’s failure to deal thoroughly with sin. I am not saying in condemnation—I am in the same...
Yield: The Fourth Step in Effective Prayer

Praise: The First Step in Effective Prayer

Praying consistently will change your life. In fact, many of the blessings God wants you to enjoy will never be realized unless you pray. I think all Christians know they are supposed to pray, and all Christians want to pray. But many of God’s people, if they are...