Evangelism Field Kit


Evangelism is the act of sharing our faith with those around us. It may be as small as a one-on-one talk with a family member, friend, or co-worker or as large as a Billy Graham Crusade. Either way, the end goal is the same: to be Jesus Christ’s witness to all people.

BNC Ministries would like to help you on this journey. We have developed a complete Field Evangelism Kit to start you on this mission. The kit includes the following:

  • KJV Bibles (English)
  • KJV Bibles (Spanish)
  • KJVNew Testaments
  • Various Tracts
  • Additional Study and Reference Books
  • Unique “Get Out of Hell Free” cards explaining Salvation using Scripture from the Book of Romans
  • Contact Material for the website
  • And More!

We will send you this kit, FREE, just for asking. Get started TODAY! Request your kit by completing the form to the right. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

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