Devotional written by David Oney

“More pleasing to God”

Instead of just ‘looking out for number one’, we are called to live lives that please God more and more (v.1). Rather than ‘more, please’ we should live lives that are ‘more pleasing’ to God. You are called to love God ‘more and more’ and to love others ‘more and more’ (v.10). How do you do this?

1) Give dignity to your body
God is concerned about your body as well as your soul: ‘Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body’ (v.4, MSG). Paul writes, ‘You should avoid sexual immorality: each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honourable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God’ (vv.3–5).

2) Live a beautiful life
‘God did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life’ (v.7) – ‘holy and beautiful – as beautiful on the inside as the outside’ (v.7, MSG). True beauty has nothing to do with looks. It is about how you are on the inside. The process of being made holy takes place through the work of the ‘Holy’ Spirit. God ‘gives you his Holy Spirit’ (v.8) for this purpose.

3)Love each other
Paul writes, ‘About your mutual love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other’ (v.9). ‘Get better and better at it’ (v.10, MSG).

4) Mind your own business
Paul writes that we are not just to be ambitious – but we are to be ambitious to live a quiet life and to be industrious. This is surprising to read, particularly given the great things Paul did for God, but it seems there is a deep significance in the apparently small things of life. Paul specifically writes ‘mind your own business’ (v.11). Gossip is when you are sharing information and you are neither part of the problem, nor part of the solution. Of course, there is a time when we need to get involved and help other people, but we are not to go around interfering in other people’s business.

5) Get a job, if you can
Paul writes, ‘… work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody’ (vv.11–12). For some, such as stay-at-home parents, their work is in the home. Others work outside the home earning money to support their family. The general rule is that we should try to get a job if we can and not be dependent on others for our support. Some may be dependent on the body of Christ for support – such as those in certain types of unpaid full-time ministry. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

6) Enjoy an endless hope
No one can live well until they can die well. Death is another subject on which you are called to have a different attitude. Of course, we grieve when someone dies. But Paul says we should not ‘grieve like the rest, who have no hope’ (v.13) because ‘since Jesus died and broke loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus’ (v.14, MSG).

Death is not the end.

Paul is saying that just as Jesus died and rose again, in the same way we believe that in the resurrection God will bring with him all those who have fallen asleep. Paul uses a different word here – whereas Jesus died for you, you will never die, you only ‘fall asleep’ (vv.13,15).

You will be reunited with Jesus ‘to meet the Lord’ (v.17a) and we will be reunited with each other: ‘caught up together with them’ (v.17a) – ‘one huge family reunion’ (MSG). Not only will you be with the Lord for ever (v.17b), but you will also be with all those ‘who have fallen asleep in him’ (v.14). Many people see only a hopeless end, but you have an endless hope. Remind and ‘encourage each other with these words’ (v.18).

Let’s pray:

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who is at work within me,
and who helps me
to live a life that pleases You more and more.
Help me in my weakness
to live a holy life:
of love,
sexual purity,
right ambition,
hope and
In Jesus’ Precious Name